CNS completes bridge attachment project at Dallas Zoo
In July of 2020, the Crown Castle Fiber team in Dallas called on Chickasaw Network Services (CNS) to fulfil the task of building a stretch of fiber that would provide connectivity to two of their Small Cell networks. This task provided a unique challenge, with the original plan to circle back and run along the access road of I-35; however, this route would not be accessible for two more years due to an ongoing road widening project. The alternative was to engineer a conduit path attached to a bridge, which provided a more direct route. Crossing a bridge with fiber was uncharted territory for the Crown Castle team, but the adaptability and experience of the CNS team gave Crown Castle the confidence to entrust CNS with such a unique project.

The CNS engineering and construction teams came together to devise a plan that would be presented to the City of Dallas and the Dallas Zoo for their approval by mid-July. The bridge attachment totaled 650 feet and crossed over the Dallas Zoo main entrance and bird exhibit. Chickasaw Network Service’s commitment to safety and coordination were key factors in obtaining approval for the section overhanging the Dallas Zoo. To Crown Castle’s delight, CNS obtained a permit four weeks later and was able to proceed with the project.
Due to the specific architecture of the bridge, CNS hired Bridge Access Specialties, a national bridge inspection company based out of Tennessee, whose fleet of trucks allowed us to gain access to the supporting beam below the bridge that otherwise could not be safely accessed from below. During the month of September, CNS’s directional drill crews meticulously placed pipe through the Dallas ‘white rock’ and installed several hand holes to serve as access points for future upgrades along the route. The completion of the underground portion in a timely manner was key to completing this project ahead of schedule and under budget.

On October 15th, just 90 days from our first site walk, CNS had successfully completed Crown Castle’s first bridge attachment in the region while also providing network connectivity two years ahead of their projected schedule. It is this level of excellence that separates other CNS team in a competitive market, such as Texas and beyond. In late October, CNS proudly accepted an invitation to become a national “Tier 1” Vendor for Crown Castle. CNS looks forward to continuing its work with Crown Castle and exploring future opportunities for the CNS engineering and construction teams.
About Chickasaw Network Services, LLC
Chickasaw Network Services (CNS) provides the complete solutions for the optimization of Transmission Technologies, connecting structured cable and wireless infrastructure through expert engineering, installation and maintenance.
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